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Posted: 08 April 2012 at 2:39pm | IP Logged Quote prisdeej

Does anyone have the dj or commercial single information here? I've read elsewhere their was
an alternate mix that propelled this record to #1. Albeit controversial for a christian
artist crossing over to secular waters at the time. The video uses the album version which is
more familiar to me.

Dave L
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Posted: 09 April 2012 at 1:26am | IP Logged Quote NightAire

I remember hearing Rick Dees play the remix on his Weekly Top 40 when it was a hit.

I'm looking right at my (commercially purchased) CD single:

A&M Records 75021 2397 2 Amy Grant Baby Baby

1 Baby Baby 7" Heart In Motion Mix* 3:50
2 Baby Baby 12" Heart In Motion Mix* 6:02
3 Lead Me On LP Version+ 5:36

+ (From the A&M album, cassette & compact disc "Lead Me On" 75021 5199 1/4/2)

* (Original version appears on the A&M album, cassette & compact disc "Heart In Motion" 75021 5321 1/4/2)

(P) & (C) 1991/+(P) 1988 A&M Records, Inc.

* Produced and Arranged by: Keith Thomas for Yellow Elephant Music, Inc. Additional Production and Remix by Daniel Abraham for White Falcon Productions. Additional Keyboards: Peter Dow. Edited by Chep Nunez. Executive Producer for the Remixes: Mark Mazzetti. Written by Amy Grant, Keith Thomas. Published by Age to Age Music, Inc./Edward Grant Inc./Yellow Elephant Music, Inc. (ASCAP), adm. by Reunion Music Group, Inc.

Lovingly Dedicated to the memory of Chep Nunez from Amy, Daniel, and the entire A&M family. This song is dedicated to Millie, whose six-week old face was my inspiration.


As I remember, the cassingle had the 7" mix on one side and the album mix on the other... but it's been a while and I don't know if I even still have the cassingle...

Hope this helps!

Gene Savage
Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
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Posted: 09 April 2012 at 7:17pm | IP Logged Quote prisdeej

Thanks for the information, Gene. Btw, I enjoy BlackLightRadio.

Dave L
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Posted: 09 April 2012 at 9:22pm | IP Logged Quote NightAire

Thanks, Dave! Wish the remix of "Baby Baby" fit our format, but it was two years too late. :)

Gene Savage
Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
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Brian W.

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Posted: 10 April 2012 at 12:42am | IP Logged Quote Brian W.

The 7" Heart in Motion Mix was the B-side to the US cassingle. I remember reading an article in Billboard at the time that stores were furious with A&M because all of the returns they got on Amy Grant's "Heart in Motion" CD because the version that was on the album was nothing like what consumers had heard on the radio. (I also recall reading an interview with Amy Grant where she said she laughed the first time she heard the remix.)
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Posted: 10 April 2012 at 1:17pm | IP Logged Quote Glenpwood

Brian W. wrote:
The 7" Heart in Motion Mix was the B-side to the US cassingle. I remember reading an article in Billboard at the time that stores were furious with A&M because all of the returns they got on Amy Grant's "Heart in Motion" CD because the version that was on the album was nothing like what consumers had heard on the radio. (I also recall reading an interview with Amy Grant where she said she laughed the first time she heard the remix.)

I remember that piece in Billboard as well. They noted a lot of people went looking for Heart In Motion CD in the Dance dept rather than pop or christian. I was always surprised that A&M didn't just strip them onto later pressings. At least they acknowledged those single mixes on the 1986-2004 Greatest Hits even though the Greatest Hits that replaced it when her catalog was sold to EMI reverted to the LP versions....
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Posted: 11 April 2012 at 8:09pm | IP Logged Quote musicmanatl

Very interesting. I only ever heard the LP version on the radio (in Atlanta and Raleigh-Durham) but I did hear the remix in a club in Durham.
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Posted: 11 April 2012 at 11:09pm | IP Logged Quote aaronk

Same here. The small market where I lived only ever played the LP version.

Aaron Kannowski
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Santi Paradoa

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Posted: 15 June 2012 at 2:50pm | IP Logged Quote Santi Paradoa

Brian W. wrote:
The 7" Heart in Motion Mix was the B-side to the US cassingle. I remember reading an article in Billboard at the time that stores were furious with A&M because all of the returns they got on Amy Grant's "Heart in Motion" CD because the version that was on the album was nothing like what consumers had heard on the radio. (I also recall reading an interview with Amy Grant where she said she laughed the first time she heard the remix.)
The b-side of the 45 was also the 7" Heart In Motion Mix (this was one of the last 45 singles I purchased).

Santi Paradoa
Miami, Florida
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Posted: 15 June 2012 at 6:35pm | IP Logged Quote Hykker

aaronk wrote:
The small market where I lived only ever played the LP version.

As did the station I worked at in 1991. Of course, we had an AC format, so it made sense. ISTR Kiss 108 in Boston playing the remix.

Edited by Hykker on 15 June 2012 at 6:36pm
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Posted: 02 October 2018 at 6:03am | IP Logged Quote aaronk

Was this another Amy Grant hit where airplay was somewhat split between the 7" Heart In Motion Mix and the LP Version? I watched a fair amount of MTV during this time, and I don't ever recall seeing anything but the regular LP version video. There are people on YouTube who claim that a video for the remix was also aired.

I have a note that jimct's station KC101 aired "Cut 1" of the promo CD, which is the LP version. Also, as I mentioned earlier, I only heard the LP version on my local top 40 station.

Here are the promo CD contents:

75021 7512 2
1. LP Version (listed & actual 3:56)
2. 7" No Getting Over You Mix (listed & actual 4:01)
3. 7" Heart In Motion Mix (listed & actual 3:50)
4. 12" No Getting Over You Mix (listed & actual 5:57)
5. 12" Heart In Motion Mix (listed & actual 6:02)

Aaron Kannowski
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Brian W.

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Posted: 02 October 2018 at 9:33am | IP Logged Quote Brian W.

I seem to recall hearing the 7" Heart in Motion Mix a
lot on KUBE FM, the big Top 40 station in Seattle at the
time. (Same is true of Elton's "I Don't Wanna Go On With
You Like That" -- all KUBE ever played was the Pettibone
remix edit.)
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Posted: 02 October 2018 at 4:27pm | IP Logged Quote garye

Have a folder with 11 different listings of Baby, Baby.
But think 4 are the same version just added to folder I
received to cover every version released!
A mike Cruz mix, an original extended mix, the heart in
motion mixes no getting over you club mix, and a few
others. The Cruz and No getting mixes am unfamiliar
with. But will let all know what they are like.
Did not realize late in Amy's Top 40 phase so many
versions of her songs existed!
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Posted: 02 October 2018 at 5:22pm | IP Logged Quote prisdeej

garye wrote:
Did not realize late in Amy's Top 40 phase so many
versions of her songs existed!

In 2014 In Motion: The Remixes was released.

Edited by prisdeej on 02 October 2018 at 5:25pm

Dave L
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Posted: 02 October 2018 at 8:09pm | IP Logged Quote eriejwg

Only the LP version received, and still receives, airplay
in my area.

John Gallagher
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Posted: 03 October 2018 at 2:35am | IP Logged Quote radiofan16

WYXR(Star 104.5) always played the LP version. Did the remix really get the
lion's share of airplay?

BTW, if the remix's backbeat sounds familiar to you, it's because it's the
backing track to "Back To Life" by "Soul II Soul".
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Posted: 05 October 2018 at 3:02am | IP Logged Quote NightAire

All I hear the top 40 in Tulsa play was the Heat In Motion 7" mix, and like I said 6 years ago, Rick Dees played the remix on his national countdown.

The local Christian AC played the LP version of course.

I can't speak for other markers.

Gene Savage
Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
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Posted: 12 October 2018 at 11:06am | IP Logged Quote EdisonLite

I recall hearing both the LP mix and 7" Heart in Motion Mix on the radio. Probably the single remix on the CHR station (KIIS-FM), and the LP mix on the AC stations KBIG and KOST.
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Posted: 17 September 2020 at 9:03pm | IP Logged Quote PopArchivist

Brian W. wrote:
The 7" Heart in Motion Mix was the B-side to the US cassingle. I remember reading an article in Billboard at the time that stores were furious with A&M because all of the returns they got on Amy Grant's "Heart in Motion" CD because the version that was on the album was nothing like what consumers had heard on the radio. (I also recall reading an interview with Amy Grant where she said she laughed the first time she heard the remix.)

Amy Grant laughed because that remix is beyond bad, it is awful. It basically kills the nice vibe of the LP version. Long live the LP version! I go on record saying all I ever heard was the LP version. Talk about hearing this great song (the LP version)* and listening to this weird version that sounds like a bad techno trip!

*If you didn't figure out I like the LP version, you might have missed something :)

Edited by PopArchivist on 17 September 2020 at 9:09pm

"I'm a pop archivist, not a chart philosopher, I seek to listen, observe and document the chart position of music."
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Posted: 18 September 2020 at 11:26am | IP Logged Quote Bellenger1981

I'm quite certain that I heard the 7" No Getting Over
You Mix, which is actually my preferred version.

Jason Bellenger
Byron Center, Michigan, USA
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