davidclark MusicFan
Joined: 17 November 2004 Location: Canada
Online Status: Offline Posts: 1107
Posted: 19 November 2023 at 5:22pm | IP Logged
Not sure where to post this, but I thought I'd post here in case anyone else
has the same problem.
I have an iMac, and use Safari for most browsing. I use the feature to save
login user/password to the iCloud Keychain for sign ins.
A few days ago, the login for the database stopped autofilling the userid
and p/w in Safari. It has been working properly since I signed up to the
database many years ago. Strange why all of a sudden it stopped. And I
can't figure out why. It still works properly on EVERY other website. And, it
works properly on Google Chrome for the database.
Anyone else having such a problem or have an idea about how to fix? It's
irritating to have to type it in every time, when I haven't been for ever and
don't for other sites.
Perhaps a message for the developer.
__________________ dc1