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Posted: 07 May 2007 at 11:39pm | IP Logged Quote jimct

My commercial 45, which is mono, has a listed time of (2:55) and an actual time of (2:56). I post this info only because all 7 CD appearances shown in the database state a time of between (3:11) and (3:18), with no version designations currently noted.
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Posted: 08 May 2007 at 2:41am | IP Logged Quote TomDiehl1

I read somewhere online (maybe the BSN board?) that the mono version is mixed very differently from the stereo, I have the mono 45 boxed up somewhere but no access to the stereo version. If the mixes are in fact very different, a 45 vs lp version designation may be needed.

Live in stereo.
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Todd Ireland

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Posted: 08 May 2007 at 10:36pm | IP Logged Quote Todd Ireland

According to the database, there is a remix of "Doctor My Eyes" on the My Girl 2 CD soundtrack. Though it's probably not likely, I wonder if this could be the same mix alleged to exist on the commercial 45?
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Posted: 09 May 2007 at 5:04am | IP Logged Quote davidclark copy of the "Saturate Before Using" CD is also a remix and fades at about 3:14. When I purchased his "The Next Voice You Hear: Best Of", it returned to the original mix running 3:18!

Edited by davidclark on 09 May 2007 at 5:07am

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Pat Downey
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Posted: 09 May 2007 at 6:22am | IP Logged Quote Pat Downey

After just listening to the 45 and vinyl LP version of Doctor My Eyes, I do not discern any major mix differences other than the standard mono/stereo issues. Anyone care to elaborate on the differences they hear?
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Posted: 09 May 2007 at 3:49pm | IP Logged Quote davidclark

I can't offer info about the 45 Pat, but I can about the remix I mention above. It's a subtle remix in terms of how to describe it, but it is noticeably different to my ears. E.g., the high hat (starting at :13) is in the left channel in the remix, but closer to centre in the original. The background vocals (starting at :38) are split left/right in the remix but up center in the original.

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Posted: 09 May 2007 at 4:47pm | IP Logged Quote aaronk

Todd Ireland wrote:
I wonder if this could be the same mix alleged to exist on the commercial 45?

Unless it's mono on that CD, I'd say not likely.
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Posted: 09 May 2007 at 4:55pm | IP Logged Quote BillCahill

I know of four versions: The original mono single, the original stereo lp version, the remixed lp version, and the alternate take. The single and original LP sound very close and I do not believe deserve any notation. When the LP was released to CD somebody remixed the song and more of the ambiance of the recording studio can be heard, especially on the beginning of the song. The Very Best Of Jackson Browne is an alternate take which may also be on other CDs. It's close to the original take but you can hear it on the first line of the song, his inflection is different.
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Pat Downey
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Posted: 10 May 2007 at 8:53pm | IP Logged Quote Pat Downey

I don't hear the vocal differences that you point out Bill on the Very Best Of Jackson Browne cd. Does anyone else have any input on this "alternate take"?
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Posted: 12 May 2007 at 5:21pm | IP Logged Quote BillCahill

My comment "alternate take" may be in error. What I heard on the Very Best Of Jackson Browne that I never heard before: An apparent vocal crack on the word "have" on the first "Doctor My Eyes HAVE seen.." And on the first "Was I unwise" in the first chorus it has a different feel on The Very Best Of. However, the vocal crack I heard may now have always been there, apparant now because this new mix makes Jackson cleaner and louder than before. The chorus difference may be because Jackson is mixed higher on this new mix. I have sent the "unwise" sections to Pat for his comments.
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Posted: 09 July 2007 at 11:43pm | IP Logged Quote jimct

Pat, while there may still be unresolved mix issues within the (3:11) to (3:18) database CD versions, I just noticed that there is currently no notation at all in the database for this song. At this point, we do at least know that the listed 45 time is (2:56), and the actual time is (2:55), as stated in my original post. This fact should probably already be noted in the database, since current CD versions, regardless of "mix issues", all run between :16 to :23 seconds longer than the 45 does.
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Posted: 09 October 2008 at 1:21pm | IP Logged Quote eriejwg

Can anyone point out the beginning time of the fade and ending time to properly recreate the 45 length?
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Yah Shure

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Posted: 09 October 2008 at 7:29pm | IP Logged Quote Yah Shure

eriejwg wrote:
Can anyone point out the beginning time of the fade and ending time to properly recreate the 45 length?

John, the stereo side of the DJ 45 is slightly faster-pitched and runs slightly longer (2:59) than the mono side (2:57). The fadeout starts a bit later on the stereo side. Towards the end of the fade, the mono side is running about .431 seconds behind the same spot musically on the stereo side.

I have a Specialty pressing in addition to the Plastic Products pressing pictured below. The respective stereo and mono stampers used on both pressings are identical. Matrix numbers are ST-AS-23955-1 (stereo) and AS-23955-1 (mono.)

Fade times for the promo 45:
Mono:   2:43.874 to 2:57.300
Stereo: 2:47.740 to 2:59.350

And although it was touched upon in another old thread, "Rock Me On The Water", the follow-up single to "Doctor My Eyes" was a substantially different take than the album version from Saturate Before Using.

Edited by Yah Shure on 09 October 2008 at 7:47pm
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Posted: 09 October 2008 at 7:33pm | IP Logged Quote eriejwg

Wonderful detailed info as always, John.

Interesting that on the label David Crosby and Graham Nash had an assist on this track, yet as the the last 36 years have passed by, bet ya no one would have any idea, including me, that they took part.
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Posted: 09 October 2008 at 7:39pm | IP Logged Quote eriejwg

This is a more common label I've seen online...

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Yah Shure

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Posted: 09 October 2008 at 7:56pm | IP Logged Quote Yah Shure

Thanks for posting that scan, John. I never bought the stock 45, and had no idea that David and Graham got the brush-off!

Perhaps Asylum believed that name-dropping Crosby & Nash on the promo label might help to break both the single and the artist. If so, it worked!
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Posted: 14 February 2013 at 10:29pm | IP Logged Quote aaronk

There is a pretty good sounding dub of the stereo side of the promo 45 on YouTube. I compared it to the (3:13) Time Life version, and here are my observations:

- The mixes sound almost identical, except the lead guitar is panned slightly to the left on the CD version. It's dead center on the stereo promo 45.

- The shorter run time of the stereo promo 45 is due to an early fade of the LP length.

I guess that means there really are FOUR mixes of the song!

1. mono 45 mix (sounds like a fold-down of the stereo LP mix to my ears)
2. stereo promo 45 mix (lead guitar centered)
3. stereo LP mix (lead guitar panned left)
4. stereo "remix" (issued years later on CD)

By the way, I noticed that the YouTube CD dubs running 3:18 also appear to be remixed. That makes me wonder if the two database CDs that run this length (Next Voice You Hear and Very Best Of) are also remixes. The easiest way to spot this version is right at the start. The original version has two lone bongo beats before the kick drum comes in. The remix has the kick drum along with the bongos right from the beginning.

Edited by aaronk on 14 February 2013 at 10:56pm

Aaron Kannowski
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Posted: 15 February 2013 at 8:15am | IP Logged Quote Hykker

My only copy of this is on an Asylum "Spun Gold" reissue,
and it appears to be the stereo LP version. Listed time
3:11, actual 3:13.
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Posted: 15 February 2013 at 8:59am | IP Logged Quote aaronk

I also should clarify that I do not own the actual vinyl LP to check the mix. What I'm calling "stereo LP mix" is the Time Life copy on "Gold & Platinum," which contains no comment next to it in the database.

Aaron Kannowski
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Todd Ireland

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Posted: 16 April 2013 at 5:53pm | IP Logged Quote Todd Ireland

Pat and David (and anyone else who can chime in):

Can you guys please check your copy of Jackson Browne's Saturate Before Using and report back if you see an "RE-2" etched among the matrix numbers printed along the center hub of the CD itself? If so, then it's a remastered disc. If not, then it's an original pressing. This may go a long way in helping explain if one pressing contains the original hit mix of "Doctor My Eyes" while the other has a remix.

I've brought up in other threads that the first six Jackson Browne LP releases on the Asylum label were first issued on CD in the '80s and then later remastered in the late '90s. Since both pressings of each CD album appear identical on the outside, the only way to tell the difference between an opened copy of either pressing is by looking at the hub of the CD itself and seeing if the matrix numbers contain "RE-2" among them.

Edited by Todd Ireland on 16 April 2013 at 5:57pm
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