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Posted: 16 March 2020 at 7:57am | IP Logged Quote jebsib

I think hundreds of those scoped AT40s on YouTube got pulled off.
I can only find a few on there this year.
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Paul Haney

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Posted: 16 March 2020 at 10:13am | IP Logged Quote Paul Haney

Hykker wrote:
Well, the "dead dog" rant from circa 1976
seems to indicate he was pre-recording his tracks by
Makes sense, the show sounded very scripted to me...why
waste your star's time sitting thru songs when he can get
his part "in the can" and let the producers assemble the

Actually, the "dead dog" fiasco was in 1985.

I'm not sure of the exact date when Casey started
recording his voice tracks, but the Dick Clark show was
March 5, 1972, so it was shortly after that date.

I faithfully listened to AT40 every single week starting
in August 1974. I had heard the show before that, but
that was the first time that I wrote down the Top 40 and
started keeping my weekly stats. I'm not sure exactly
when I stopped listening every week, probably around 1985
or so. I would still listen when I could, but would get
the charts from my local library. That show was a
perfect training ground for my career at Record Research.
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Posted: 16 March 2020 at 12:17pm | IP Logged Quote eriejwg

Yes, the dog rant was 1985. And, the uptempo record that
Casey complained about was "Dare Me" from the Pointer

John Gallagher
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Posted: 16 March 2020 at 12:25pm | IP Logged Quote thecdguy

Yes, the dog incident was a long distance dedication to a
dog named Snuggles who had passed and the song played was
Henry Gross' "Shannon" which was a hit in 1976 and also
about a dog who had passed. It was on the countdown for
the week of September 14, 1985 and iHeart Radio just
happened to play it yesterday. As I was listening to it,
I could hear the tone of Casey's voice and at certain
points it seemed as if he wasn't too happy about doing
it. IIRC, he was upset that the dedication immediately
followed an uptempo song (The Pointer Sisters' "Dare
Me"). But its placement on the countdown wasn't moved and
still was played after The Pointer Sisters' song.
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Posted: 17 March 2020 at 6:34am | IP Logged Quote RoknRobnLoxley

I started listening to AT40 in early 1974 (till the end of 1979). My local radio station had stopped doing their own weekly countdown, fired the DJ's, and went with that Drake-Chenault robo-DJ format, ugh.

The Durkee AT40 book is a great read and a hoot. Lots of inside stories, some reveals on Billboard manipulations/shenanigans (Andy Gibb). Got a used copy off Amazon that was a library copy, in fab shape. Expensive now, but keep after it for a good price, it's a great book for us chart freaks.

The Battistini AT40 books are fab too, both the 70s and the 80s. Good to have all those special AT40 countdowns documented.

I too wish someone would make all the AT40 shows available, especially the special countdowns (I still have several on cassette that I taped off air in the 70s).
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